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Holiday card design featuring a blue crab in a Santa hat and a stack of wrapped gifts.
Artwork by Bella Postles

Winter break has officially begun! All schools and offices are closed next week through the first of the year. We'll see everyone back at school on Thursday, Jan. 2. Happy holidays and have a wonderful winter break!
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Parent Survey

Information and Resources on Special Education — with link

As the parent or guardian of a child receiving special education services in Maryland, you should have received a copy of the Maryland Special Education Parent Involvement Survey in the mail.
By completing the survey, you can tell us how your child’s school partners with you. Your feedback will help guide efforts to improve special education and related services in your local school system.
The Maryland State Department of Education wants to hear from you.
Complete the hard copy survey that was recently sent to you and return it in the postage-paid envelope by May 19, 2023.
Complete the survey online at
Please contact Kenneth Hudock, at the Maryland State Department of Education, at 410-767-7770, or [email protected].