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2-hour delay Wednesday, Jan..2 with photo of a snowy road and KCPS logo

Kent County Public Schools will open on a two-hour delay Wednesday, Jan. 22. Arrival will begin at the middle and high schools at 9:25 a.m. Arrival begins at our elementary schools at 10:35 a.m. Please remember to pack your Chromebooks and cables. We thank our county and state roads crews for all their hard work. Thank you!
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Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning, Providing district leadership, support and accountability — with link

The Office of Teaching and Learning is responsible for supporting principals, supervisors and teachers in the process of identifying the content of curriculum taught in our schools, the teaching techniques used by our teachers and the testing that shows how our students are doing.
We strive to help all students realize their academic and human potential by determining curriculum, assessment, teaching and extended learning options.

Mission and Vision

The Office of Teaching and Learning will provide district leadership, support, and accountability. In collaboration with other district and building administrators we will work to inspire classroom success, promote personal excellence as well as responsible citizenship.

The Office of Teaching and Learning will:
• Develop curriculum and assessments aligned to Maryland’s College and Career Ready Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, C3 Frameworks and the Maryland State Curricula.  
• Monitor implementation of the district’s goals as outlined in the Master Plan and the school improvement process.  
• Provide support for principals and teachers as they address the diverse learning needs of students.

Contact Information

DIRECTOR OF TEACHING AND LEARNINGGina Jachimowicz with email link



Kent County Public Schools
5608 Boundary Ave.
Rock Hall, MD 21661