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Holiday card design featuring a blue crab in a Santa hat and a stack of wrapped gifts.
Artwork by Bella Postles

Winter break has officially begun! All schools and offices are closed next week through the first of the year. We'll see everyone back at school on Thursday, Jan. 2. Happy holidays and have a wonderful winter break!
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Teacher Salary Increase Process

Human Resources: Information for staff and prospective employees

It is the responsibility of any employee who believes he or she qualifies for a salary increase based on a change in certification, coursework, or degree status to submit the application below with supporting transcripts to the director of Human Resources.
Please be sure to note:
• Salary increase for Master’s plus 30 = combination 18 graduate credits AND 12 graduate, undergraduate or MSDE.
• Salary increase for Master’s plus 60 = combination 36 graduate credits AND 24 graduate, undergraduate and MSDE.

Salary adjustments will not be retroactive.